Cat5 Resources Expands To Offer Tower Services

Cat5 Resources is excited to announce that Tower Maintenance and Repairs are now services Cat5 provides to its customers. Cat5’s experience in the telecommunications industry along with the personnel brought on to manage the Tower Division, is of the highest respect in the tower industry.
TJ Hargrave, Operations Director/Tower Maintenance, has 15 years of experience in the telecommunications industry with his main focus being safety and quality. As most successful tower maintenance supervisors, TJ started as a tower climber working broadcast, paging, and cellular networks and due to his quick learning and management skills, he moved into a crew callout, work scoping, and tower maintenance supervisor role.

“Our main goal is that our guys come home safe from a hard day’s work on the tower, while ensuring that the best quality was provided to the customer.”

TJ Hargrave,
Tower Maintenance/Operations Director
Cat5 prides itself in providing quality equipment installations and maintenance to our clients, from tower audits to construction close-outs, as well as all other wireless needs whether it be tower plumb and tension, new system upgrades or decommissioning.

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